A.11 Wide Text Input-Output and Wide Wide Text Input-Output
The packages Wide_Text_IO and Wide_Wide_Text_IO provide
facilities for input and output in human-readable form. Each file is
read or written sequentially, as a sequence of wide characters (or wide
wide characters) grouped into lines, and as a sequence of lines grouped
into pages.
Static Semantics
The specification of package
Wide_Text_IO is the same as that for Text_IO, except that in each Get,
Look_Ahead, Get_Immediate, Get_Line, Put, and Put_Line subprogram, any
occurrence of Character is replaced by Wide_Character, and any occurrence
of String is replaced by Wide_String.
equivalents of Wide_Text_IO.Integer_IO and Wide_Text_IO.Float_IO are
provided (as for Text_IO) for each predefined numeric type, with names
such as Ada.Integer_Wide_Text_IO, Ada.Long_Integer_Wide_Text_IO, Ada.Float_Wide_Text_IO,
The specification of package
Wide_Wide_Text_IO is the same as that for Text_IO, except that in each
Get, Look_Ahead, Get_Immediate, Get_Line, Put, and Put_Line subprogram,
any occurrence of Character is replaced by Wide_Wide_Character, and any
occurrence of String is replaced by Wide_Wide_String.
equivalents of Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Integer_IO and Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Float_IO
are provided (as for Text_IO) for each predefined numeric type, with
names such as Ada.Integer_Wide_Wide_Text_IO, Ada.Long_Integer_Wide_Wide_Text_IO,
Ada.Float_Wide_Wide_Text_IO, Ada.Long_Float_Wide_Wide_Text_IO.
The specification
of package Wide_Text_IO.Wide_Bounded_IO is the same as that for Text_IO.Bounded_IO,
except that any occurrence of Bounded_String is replaced by Bounded_Wide_String,
and any occurrence of package Bounded is replaced by Wide_Bounded. The
specification of package Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Wide_Wide_Bounded_IO is the
same as that for Text_IO.Bounded_IO, except that any occurrence of Bounded_String
is replaced by Bounded_Wide_Wide_String, and any occurrence of package
Bounded is replaced by Wide_Wide_Bounded.
The specification
of package Wide_Text_IO.Wide_Unbounded_IO is the same as that for Text_IO.Unbounded_IO,
except that any occurrence of Unbounded_String is replaced by Unbounded_Wide_String,
and any occurrence of package Unbounded is replaced by Wide_Unbounded.
The specification of package Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Wide_Wide_Unbounded_IO
is the same as that for Text_IO.Unbounded_IO, except that any occurrence
of Unbounded_String is replaced by Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String, and any
occurrence of package Unbounded is replaced by Wide_Wide_Unbounded.
Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by Ada-Europe