A.18.15 The Generic Package Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Sets
The language-defined generic package Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Sets
provides a set with the same operations as the package Containers.Hashed_Sets
A.18.8), with the difference that the
generic formal type Element_Type is indefinite.
Static Semantics
The declaration of the generic library package Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Sets
has the same contents and semantics as Containers.Hashed_Sets except:
The generic formal Element_Type is indefinite.
The actual Element parameter of access subprogram
Process of Update_Element_Preserving_Key may be constrained even if Element_Type
is unconstrained.
The operations Include, Insert, Replace, Replace_Element, and To_Set
that have a formal parameter of type Element_Type perform indefinite
insertion (see
Ramification: This includes the procedure
Replace declared in the nested generic package Generic_Keys, as well
as the routines declared directly in the Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Sets
Discussion: {
Unlike the other containers, a Hashed_Set has no operations that tamper
with elements without tampering with cursors. Modifying the contents
of a element of a set can change its position in the set, so those operations
tamper with cursors.
Because of this characteristic, this subclause is missing the rules that
other indefinite containers have modifying the definition and use of
Tampering_with_Elements, and the definition of the Stable subpackaage
is the same as the definite version.
Extensions to Ada 95
The generic package Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Sets
is new.
Inconsistencies With Ada 2012
Corrigendum: Defined some routines to “perform
indefinite insertion”. This could mean that some calls to those
routines would now raise Program_Error where they previously worked.
However, this is extremely unlikely; see Inconsistencies With Ada 2012
A.18.11 for details.
Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by Ada-Europe