A.18.32 The Generic Package Containers.Bounded_Indefinite_Holders
The language-defined generic package Containers.Bounded_Indefinite_Holders
provides a private type Holder and a set of operations for that type.
It provides the same operations as the package Containers.Indefinite_Holders
A.18.18), with the difference that
the maximum storage is bounded.
Static Semantics
The declaration of the generic library package Containers.Bounded_Indefinite_Holders
has the same contents and semantics as Containers.Indefinite_Holders
The following is added to the context clause:
with System.Storage_Elements; use System.Storage_Elements;
An additional generic
parameter follows Element_Type:
Max_Element_Size_in_Storage_Elements : Storage_Count;
Reason: This value is in Storage_Elements
so that it can be used as a discriminant on a storage pool object in
the implementation of the object; Ada doesn't allow discriminant dependent
components to use formulas.
This is a generic parameter as it is a property
of the Element_Type; the largest possible object of Element_Type is unlikely
to be different for different containers, so making it a discriminant
(as Capacity is) provides no useful capability.
Preelaborable_Initialization =>
Add to the precondition
of To_Holder and Replace_Element:
and then (New_Item'Size <=
Max_Element_Size_in_Storage_Elements * System.Storage_Unit
or else raise Program_Error)
Reason: This ensures that an object that
won't fit is not inserted into the container.
Bounded (Run-Time) Errors
It is a bounded error to assign from a bounded holder
object while tampering with elements of that object is prohibited. Either
Program_Error is raised by the assignment, execution proceeds with the
target object prohibiting tampering with elements, or execution proceeds
Implementation Requirements
For each instance of Containers.Indefinite_Holders and each instance
of Containers.Bounded_Indefinite_Holders, if the two instances meet the
following conditions, then the output generated by the Holder'Output
or Holder'Write subprograms of either instance shall be readable by the
Holder'Input or Holder'Read of the other instance, respectively:
the Element_Type parameters of the two instances
are statically matching subtypes of the same type; and
the output generated by Element_Type'Output or
Element_Type'Write is readable by Element_Type'Input or Element_Type'Read,
respectively (where Element_Type denotes the type of the two actual Element_Type
Implementation Advice
Bounded holder objects should be implemented without dynamic allocation
and any finalization should be trivial unless Element_Type needs finalization.
Implementation Advice: Bounded holder
objects should be implemented without dynamic allocation.
To be honest: Implementation of this
container in Ada will probably require the use of a special storage pool.
When we say "without dynamic allocation", we mean that this
pool does not use heap memory and has a trivial finalization routine
(that is, procedures Adjust and Finalize are null procedures). All storage
pools are controlled, so we can't reasonably say that a bounded holder
will not need finalization.
Implementation Note: If the implementation
supports discontiguous objects that require multiple calls to Allocate
in a storage pool, the storage pool will need to support such allocations.
The storage pool implementation can assume that all Allocate calls occur
together, and similarly for Deallocate calls, thus simplifying the pool
implementation so that allocation only occurs at a high-water mark location.
The Implementation Advice about the Move and Swap operations is deleted
for bounded holders; these operations can copy elements as necessary.
Reason: The memory of a bounded indefinite
holder belongs directly to the container, so it cannot be moved with
the element. If the element type contains any internal pointers, moving
it without calling Adjust would leave such pointers pointing to the wrong
holder object. Thus, a full copy is needed, including any associated
finalization and adjustments.
Extensions to Ada 2012
The generic package Containers.Bounded_Indefinite_Holders
is new.
Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by Ada-Europe